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共 44 筆相關資料

建立時間 標題
2011/07/22 財經知識網使用手冊
2012/10/05 IDM時訊避雷針
2013/10/07 中時企業風險評等
2013/12/06 台股新聞情緒指標-聯合線上產品開發
2011/07/18 Wang, S.S., K.Q. Xu, L. Liu, B. Fang, S.Y. Liao, and H.Q. Wang (2011) “An ontology based framework for mining dependence relationships between news and financial instruments”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.38, pp.12044–12050.
2011/07/18 Chen W.S., and Y.K. Du (2009) “Using neural networks and data mining techniques for the financial distress prediction model”,Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, pp.4075–4086.
2014/04/28 Aman, H (2011) “Firm-specific volatility of stock returns, the credibility of management forecasts and media coverage: Evidence from Japanese firms”, Japan and the World Economy, Vol.23, pp.28-39.
2014/04/28 Aman, H (2013) “An analysis of the impact of media coverage on stock price crashes and jumps: Evidence from Japan”, Pacific-Basin Financial Journal, Vol.24, pp.22-38.
2014/04/28 Engelberg, J.E., and C.A. Parsons (2011) “The Causal Impact of Media in Financial Markets”, Journal of Finance, Vol.66, pp.67-97.
2014/04/28 Garcia, D (2013) “Sentiment during Recessions”, Journal of Finance, Vol.68, pp.1267-1300.